Performance Management Telecom / Triple-Play Service Provider in major U.S. Markets:
Business Development Successful Launch of China Manufacturing Arm:
Business Health Assessment Identify opportunities improve efficiency & increase profits:
Performance Management Enhanced Trust Through Organization:
Knowledge Solutions Reduced cost of “information utilities”:
Branding Vision Integrated Vision of paper, data & web presence: “One Stop Solution.”:
Knowledge Solutions City wide digital integration: (Data coming soon!)
Project Management Train for and implement effective Project Management:
Business Development Technology Transfer Client won $1M development contract:
Knowledge Solutions Integrated Information Systems redundancy:
Knowledge Solutions Efficient sharing between multiple agencies:
Performance Management Successful turn around: (assessment-based):
Knowledge Solutions Integration of voice data, home, on-site and remote users:
Business Development Group Business Growth Plan $5M:
Objective: Performance Management
Benefit: Growth in management capacity and ownership over business outcomes
Client: Telecom / Triple-Play Service Provider in major U.S. Markets
Lead: Jim Hines: Performance Management Group
Process: Engaged by CFO / COO to coach and lead a cross discipline team of mid-to-senior level managers to create the company’s first-ever sustainable performance management capability. In a very short time frame, the team designed, tested and confirmed (e.g., management relevance) a comprehensive set of performance metrics balanced across strategic priorities, urgent customer service issues, emerging shareholder requirements and employee expectations.
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Objective: Market ~ Manufacturing Development:
Benefit: Successful, profitable, funded launch of China subsidiary
Client: Manufacturing Startup China : Privately held $80M
Lead: John Mills: Market Development Group
Process: Worked with CEO of Manufacturing (suppler to Automotive and Electronics industry) on vision and strategy in China manufacturing start up. Process involved assessment of current operations, and mapping into proposed China sites. Coordinated with China based development entity in China PUGH study (Political, Urban, Geographic and Human resources) to provide statistics for site selection.
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Objective: Assess operations, policies, procedures, and relationships in all functional areas of company:
Benefit: Identify opportunities for improving company efficiency, increasing profits, and enhancing customer excitement
Client: Large legal firms
Lead: Hank Tate: Business Health Assessment Group
Process: Worked with partners and firm managers to customize data collection system for collecting feedback from all levels of employees in all functional areas of the company. Designed to bypass traditional communication filters that exist between levels of staff and management. Questionnaires were designed to identify areas where systems and processes were not working effectively, and where relationships internally or with customers were strained.
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Objective: Business Management ~ Business Plan:
Benefit: Enhanced trust through organization; advanced national staff ownership. Clear articulation of nation-wide initiatives.
Client: Large national not-for-profit organization
Lead: Jim Hines: Performance Management Group
Process: Co-led the effort to design and facilitate a politically, technically and logistically complex process to determine organization priorities (based on earlier strategy audit), negotiate varied and passionate perspectives and articulate thirty (+/-) objectives (i.e., 12 month intended accomplishments) across five goals (i.e., three-to-five year intended accomplishments). Authored final business plan and related measurements matrix and delivered same to Board for acceptance.
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Objective: Information Systems:
Benefit: Reduced cost of “information utilities”
Client: City of Loma Linda & residents
Lead: James Hettrick, MBA Information and Knowledge Systems Group
Process: Lead the management and implementation of the Loma Linda Connected Communities Program, a fiber to the home/business infrastructure program that includes not only the physical redundant fiber rings and supporting NOC and residential active gear, but also a modification to the City’s building code for new building and remodels to ensure that the fiber infrastructure will ultimately be available to provide voice, video and data services to residents and businesses City-wide. City wide digital integration.
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Objective: Corporate Communications / Branding:
Benefit: Integrated Vision of paper, data and web presence: “One Stop Solution.”
Client: Teleserve Technologies, LLC
Lead: John Mills: Market Development Group
Process: Led client through the process of formulating objectives for corporate brand, solidifying marketing goals and strategy. Refined chosen direction with the addition of distinctive corporate color, typography standards and guidelines for use. Applied new identity to letterhead, business cards, stationary and web site as well as other applications.
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Objective: Knowledge Solutions
Benefit: City wide digital integration:
Lead: James Hettrick, MBA Information and Knowledge Systems Group
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Objective: Train for and implement effective Project Management
Benefit: Accomplish projects within budget, schedule, and with reduced risks. Communicate project plan and regular status of project to stakeholders.
Client: Multiple Fortune 1000 companies, including: GE, GE Mexico, Thompson Media, B.J. Services, Wylie Laboratories, U.S. Department of Energy
Lead: Hank Tate: Project Management Group
Process: Train multi-disciplinary teams in the Principles and Practice of Project Management. Define methods for analyzing projects, breaking project down into tasks and identifying critical path. Practice risk analysis and contingency planning. Train in use of project planning software.
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Objective: Technology Transfer:
Benefit: Client won $1M development contract
Client: Technology Market Development: Private to public startup
Lead: John Mills: Market Development Group
Process: Envisioned, planned and implemented marketing and business plan of New Zealand manufacturer of machines & control electronics. Negotiated development and manufacturing contracts with $100M US original equipment makers. Completed market and sales assessment studies to aid in strategy and tactics for market development. Operated as US agent for R&D / manufacturing entity.
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Objective: Information Systems Integration:
Benefit: Integrated Information Systems limited redundancy and duplication
Client: Confire, JPA
Lead: James Hettrick, MBA Information and Knowledge Systems Group
Process: Management consulting in development and documentation of organizational objectives, policies, identity, and budgeting process. In a project management role, provided technical oversight and coordination for the planning and implementation of Information Systems migration, collection of organizational hardware.
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Objective: GIS data integration:
Benefit: Efficient sharing of information, reduced duplication of effort. Coordinated and established a multiple agency Information System solution.
Client: Program Management
Lead: James Hettrick, MBA Information and Knowledge Systems Group
Process: GIS data conversion, on clients secure distributed geographic information system (GIS) data-sharing and documentation system. Services including management, GIS data conversion, training and technical support. Assessment included baseline analysis, project management plan (Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Department of Defense and National Park Service input) and economic analysis. Coordinated project with 13 State Universities , 5 DOD bases, BLM, NPS, BIA, and OHP.
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Objective: Business Management ~ Business Case:
Benefit: Successful fact-based turn around
Client: Single site / international heavy equipment / custom steel manufacturing
Lead: Jim Hines: Performance Management Group
Process: Designed and hosted a customer survey to clarify and update customer perceptions on a troubled line of business. Applied results and subsequent research / analysis in the development of a follow-on business case to support management’s consideration of next steps on the line. Management decision to re-invigorate and grow the line to full potential leading to significant contributions in company’s overall growth targets.
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Objective: Integration of voice data, home, on-site and remote users.:
Benefit: Provided integrated solution for Voice and Data utilizing same infrastructure. Increased efficiency and productivity.
Client: Data and Voice Integration
Lead: James Hettrick, MBA Information and Knowledge Systems Group
Process: Managed the transition to integrated data~voice system. LPA utilized 180 phones including on-sites and remote, home-office, users. Integrated with Outlook email/voicemail contacts integration, automated call handling (based on users' Outlook calendars). Managed the transition implementation, oversight, coordination, technical support and training.
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Objective: Business Growth Plan $5M:
Benefit: Stability & market growth, retaining existing operation & growing into emerging business sector.
Client:Communications seller / reseller of PBX equipment:
Lead: John Mills: Market Development Group
Process: Developed assessment of core strengths, and presented options for development of business to coincide with owners focus. Review of Information solutions, accounting financial practices and market development. Included in assessment was survey of cross section of client base, and evaluation process of differentiating facets of the business. Recommended internal and external changes to business model. Results: client restructured internal operations, added a new business segment growing revenue and positioning for the next 10 year growth.
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